Become a Master of Relative Imports: Using `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript
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Become a Master of Relative Imports: Using `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript

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Are you tired of dealing with repetitive and error-prone import statements in your TypeScript project? Do you want to take your coding skills to the next level by leveraging the power of relative imports? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to use `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` to revolutionize your import workflow.

What is `buf generate` and Why Should You Care?

`buf generate` is a powerful tool that allows you to generate protocol buffer files (`.proto`) from your TypeScript code. This might sound like a niche feature, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. By using `buf generate`, you can effortlessly create stubs for your APIs, generate client-side code, and even validate your data models. But that’s not all – `buf generate` also enables relative imports, which is where the magic happens.

The Problem with Absolute Imports

Traditional absolute imports can be cumbersome and prone to errors. For example, imagine you have a `Date` type defined in a `google.proto` file, and you want to use it in a separate file. With absolute imports, you’d have to write something like this:

import { google } from 'google/protobuf/timestamp_pb';

This approach has several drawbacks:

  • It’s verbose and requires a lot of typing.
  • It’s prone to errors, especially when working with complex paths.
  • It can lead to versioning issues and compatibility problems.

The Power of Relative Imports

Relative imports, on the other hand, offer a more elegant and flexible solution. By using `buf generate`, you can define your imports relative to the current file or module. This means you can simplify your import statements and avoid the headaches associated with absolute imports.

With relative imports, you can write code like this:

import { Date } from './google/type';

This approach is more concise, easier to maintain, and less error-prone.

Using `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript

Now that we’ve established the benefits of relative imports, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of using `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript.

Step 1: Install `buf` and `google-protobuf`

Before you can start generating protocol buffer files, you need to install `buf` and `google-protobuf` as dependencies in your project. You can do this using npm or yarn:

npm install --save-dev @bufbuild/buf google-protobuf

Step 2: Create a `buf.yaml` Configuration File

The `buf.yaml` file is the heart of `buf generate`. It tells the tool how to generate protocol buffer files from your TypeScript code. Create a new file named `buf.yaml` in the root of your project with the following content:

version: v1
  - typescript
  - google/type
  - ./src

This configuration tells `buf generate` to:

  • Use the latest version of the protocol buffer compiler (v1).
  • Generate protocol buffer files in TypeScript.
  • Output the generated files in the `google/type` directory.
  • Read input files from the `src` directory.

Step 3: Write Your TypeScript Code

Create a new file named `date.ts` in the `src` directory with the following content:

import { MessageType } from 'google-protobuf/google/protobuf/wrappers_pb';

export interface Date {
  year: number;
  month: number;
  day: number;

export class DateImpl implements Date {
  static deserializeBinary(data: Uint8Array): DateImpl {
    // implementation omitted for brevity

  toObject(): Date {
    return {
      year: this.year,
      month: this.month,

This code defines a `Date` interface and a `DateImpl` class that implements it. Note that we’ve imported the `MessageType` from `google-protobuf` – this is essential for generating protocol buffer files.

Step 4: Generate Protocol Buffer Files with `buf generate`

With your `buf.yaml` configuration and TypeScript code in place, you can now generate protocol buffer files using `buf generate`. Run the following command in your terminal:

buf generate

This will generate a new file named `date.proto` in the `google/type` directory with the following content:

syntax = "proto3";

package google.type;

message Date {
  int32 year = 1;
  int32 month = 2;
  int32 day = 3;

Voilà! You’ve successfully generated a protocol buffer file from your TypeScript code.

Step 5: Use Relative Imports in Your TypeScript Code

Now that you have a protocol buffer file, you can use relative imports in your TypeScript code. Create a new file named `main.ts` with the following content:

import { Date } from './google/type';

const date: Date = {
  year: 2023,
  month: 3,
  day: 15,


This code imports the `Date` type from the generated `date.proto` file and uses it to create a new object. Note the use of relative imports – you can now access the `Date` type without worrying about absolute import paths.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to use `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript to revolutionize your import workflow. By leveraging relative imports, you can simplify your code, reduce errors, and improve maintainability.

Remember, `buf generate` is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your development process. With the techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of relative imports.

Tool Description
`buf generate` Generates protocol buffer files (.proto) from TypeScript code.
`google.type.Date` A protocol buffer message type representing a date.
Relative imports A technique for importing modules relative to the current file or module.

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to become a relative import when running `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript!

Q1: What is the `google.type.Date` type in TypeScript?

The `google.type.Date` type is a well-known type in TypeScript that represents a date without a time zone. It’s often used in protocol buffer definitions to specify a date field.

Q2: Why do I need to use relative imports when generating code with `buf generate`?

Using relative imports helps avoid conflicts between different versions of the same type. When generating code with `buf generate`, it’s essential to use relative imports to ensure that the correct type is used, especially when working with well-known types like `google.type.Date`.

Q3: How do I become a relative import when running `buf generate` with `google.type.Date`?

To become a relative import, you need to specify the `–relative-imports` flag when running `buf generate`. This flag tells `buf generate` to use relative imports for the generated code, ensuring that the correct type is used.

Q4: What if I forget to specify the `–relative-imports` flag?

If you forget to specify the `–relative-imports` flag, `buf generate` will use absolute imports instead, which can lead to conflicts between different versions of the same type. So, don’t forget to include the flag to ensure that your generated code uses relative imports!

Q5: Are there any other benefits to using relative imports with `buf generate`?

Yes, using relative imports with `buf generate` also makes your generated code more portable and easier to maintain. Relative imports ensure that your code is self-contained and doesn’t rely on external dependencies, making it more flexible and adaptable to different environments.