Adding Emojis to Python Reportlab PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide to Spicing Up Your PDF Reports
Image by Yaasmin -

Adding Emojis to Python Reportlab PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide to Spicing Up Your PDF Reports

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Are you tired of dull, text-only PDF reports generated using Python’s Reportlab library? Do you want to add a touch of personality and fun to your reports? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to add emojis to your Reportlab PDF reports, taking your reporting game to the next level.

Why Add Emojis to Your PDF Reports?

Emojis have become an integral part of online communication, making it easier to convey emotions and tone in a concise manner. By incorporating emojis into your PDF reports, you can:

  • Make your reports more engaging and visually appealing
  • Enhance the readability and comprehension of complex data
  • Add a touch of personality to your reports, making them more enjoyable to read
  • Differentiate your reports from the traditional, bland PDFs


  • Python installed on your system (preferably the latest version)
  • Reportlab library installed (you can install it using pip: pip install reportlab)
  • A basic understanding of Python and Reportlab

Step 1: Installing the Required Fonts

$ wget
$ sudo mv OpenSans-Regular.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
$ sudo fc-cache -fv

Step 2: Creating a Reportlab PDF Document

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
from reportlab.lib.units import mm
from reportlab.lib.fonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
doc = canvas.Canvas('emoji_report.pdf', pagesize=A4)
doc.setPageSize((210*mm, 297*mm))
doc.setMargins(20*mm, 20*mm, 20*mm, 20*mm)

Step 3: Registering the Open Sans Font

pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('OpenSans', 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf'))
doc.setFont('OpenSans', 12)

Step 4: Adding Emojis to Your PDF Report

doc.drawString() method to add text, including emojis, to your PDF document:

doc.drawString(50*mm, 250*mm, 'Smiling Face: 😊')
doc.drawString(50*mm, 230*mm, 'Thumbs Up: 👍')
doc.drawString(50*mm, 210*mm, 'Heart: ❤️')

Step 5: Saving Your PDF Report method:

Tips and Variations

  • Use different font sizes and styles to create visual hierarchy and emphasis
  • Combine emojis with other graphics, such as charts and images, to create visual interest
  • Use emojis to create custom bullets or list items
  • Experiment with different emoji fonts and characters to find the perfect fit for your report

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue Solution
Emojis not displaying correctly Check that the Open Sans font is installed and registered correctly. Ensure that the Unicode character code for the emoji is correct.
PDF file not generating Verify that the Reportlab library is installed and imported correctly. Check for syntax errors in your Python script.
Font not rendering correctly Try using a different font that supports Unicode characters. Ensure that the font file is in the correct location and is registered correctly.


Frequently Asked Question

Are you ready to bring some fun to your Python ReportLab PDF? Adding emojis can be a great way to make your reports more engaging and visually appealing. Here are some frequently asked questions about adding emojis to your Python ReportLab PDF:

Q1: Can I use any emoji in my Python ReportLab PDF?

A1: Yes, you can use most Unicode emojis in your Python ReportLab PDF. However, keep in mind that some emojis may not display correctly depending on the font and encoding used in your PDF. Stick to common Unicode emojis and test them before finalizing your report.

Q2: How do I add an emoji to my Python ReportLab PDF?

A2: You can add an emoji to your Python ReportLab PDF using the `Canvas` object’s `drawString()` method. Simply pass the emoji as a Unicode string to the method, like this: `c.drawString(100, 700, ‘👍 Hello, world!’)`.

Q3: Can I use emojis in my PDF’s font?

A3: Yes, you can use emojis in your PDF’s font, but you need to ensure that the font supports Unicode characters. Some popular fonts that support emojis include OpenSans, Arial Unicode MS, and fontawesome. Use the `SetFont()` method to set the font and then draw the emoji using the `drawString()` method.

Q4: How do I align emojis in my Python ReportLab PDF?

A4: To align emojis in your Python ReportLab PDF, you can use the `setTextRenderMode()` method to set the text rendering mode to `1` (fill text) or `2` (stroke text). Then, use the `drawString()` method to draw the emoji at the desired position. You can also use the `setFillColor()` method to set the fill color and `setStrokeColor()` method to set the stroke color.

Q5: Can I use emojis in my PDF’s header and footer?

A5: Yes, you can use emojis in your PDF’s header and footer. Simply create a `Header` or `Footer` object, set the text using the `setValue()` method, and pass the emoji as a Unicode string. For example: `h = Header(‘📄 My Report’); h.setValue(‘Hello, world!’)`.

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